Third Kalima Of Islam - Kalma Tamjeed (Glorification)

The literal that means of the word “tamjeed” in english is “glory, virtue or greatness.” whereas the third kalima reflects the consideration and greatness of Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى), who by myself is the sustainer and writer of this international. 

The Third Kalima in Arabic states that:

الْعَظِيْم‎‎ سُبْحَان اللهِ وَالْحَمْدُلِلّهِ وَلا إِلهَ إِلّااللّهُ وَاللّهُ أكْبَرُ وَلا حَوْلَ وَلاَ قُوَّةَ إِلَّا بِاللّهِ الْعَلِيِّ

Transliteration: subhanallah walhamdulillah wala ilaha illallah wallahu akbar wala hawla wala quwwata illa billah aliyyil azeem

That can be translated as: “Glory be to Allah and all praise be to Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى), there is none worthy of worship except Him, and Allah is the Greatest. There is no might or power except Allah, the Exalted, the Great One.”

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What The 3rd Kalima Conveys Us?

The kalima tamjeed reflects the virtues of strength and glory of Allah who on my own is the sustainer, writer, and holder of this universe. Neither he needs a partner nor he needs a supporting hand. The third kalima is a manner for a believer to testify the greatness and strength of Allah. Besides the greatness of Allah, the words “subhanallah” & “Allah hu akbar” reflects the distinctive feature of glory to Allah and the almightiness of Allah.

Impact Of Kalima Tamjeed In The Life Of Individual:

With the aid of strongly believing in kalima tamjeed a muslim directs his deeds and moves in a right way which are pleasant and suited close to allah. He assures himself by means of avoiding sins that there is a advanced energy above him, who's constantly eyeing him. The recitation of 1/3 kalima additionally calms an individual because all the developments of praises of allah (swt) are protected in this kalima tamjeed.

The Elegance of Third Kalima Tamjeed:

If we go through the kalima tamjeed in Arabic we would observe that there are 4 tasbih’s included in the kalima, they're:

Subhan Allah (سبحان الله): that means Allah is best in each sense and there are not any defects in him.

Alhamdulillah (الحمد لله): that means all praise and thanksgiving belongs to Allah, the sustainer, the creator.

La Ilaaha illa Allah (لا إله إلا الله): Allah is on my own and there is no god worth of worship besides him.

Allahu akbar (الله أكبر): that means Allah is greatest in all aspects now not simply in a unmarried life however on this entire may universe.

Acceptance of Tauheed:

A person who recites the teesra kalma accepts Allah's oneness and strong point. We all realize very well that Allah can forgive all of our sins, but polytheism. Moreover, the third kalma is a doctrine about the oneness of Allah.

Reciting the Kalima Tamjeed:

Like every other worship and duas in islamic teachings, reading kalima tamjeed, is similarly critical. The muslims frequently recite it. Apart from reciting the complete kalima tamjeed, its first phrase, subhanallah (سُبْحَان اللهِ), is one of the most popular and often recited terms all over the muslim international. It's far, in reality, a word that we examine a couple of times a day in our day by day existence habitual.

How Many Times Can We Recite the Third Kalima:

Preferably, it need to be recited more than as soon as an afternoon. But at least one desires to read it as oftentimes as viable. Memorize it and recite it frequently. It is a small phrase that can be memorized in just a few mins. And while you make it a addiction to recite it so normally, it will likely be even easier to memorize it.


To finish, if a Muslim wishes his movements to be ruled and followed in the right manner then following and reciting the 3rd kalima day by day ought to be his essential precept. It displays that there's a much better authority above all the majesties and above all of the rulers, who by myself is the ruler and controller of this world.